This is my primary school friend, Tutik. When in the first year to the third in primary school, she was absurdly foolish. She couldn’t read when all her friends had been able to read smoothly. Moreover, if teachers taught maths, she certainly could not afford the problem given by the teacher. But wonders happened to her. In the fourth year, she became very prominent in each lesson. Not only in Indonesian and science, in Mathematics she was most proficient. We, who originally mocked her, respected her. Tutik continued to most favorite junior high school in our city. In that school she was not invincible. Still number one. From the junior high school, she continued to the most favorite high school in our city. And when she was in high school, she could not be dammed. Her intelligence was promulgated outside the school walls. I, an SMK student, amazed when I was aware that almost every person knew Tutik because of her intelligence.
But unfortunately, the brilliant student was obstructed by poverty. Tutik’s mother was widowed. She sold fried fish in the market. Tutik desired to continue her study in IPB, her dreamed college, but she couldn’t. She could only attend school at a local university, which is not good in quality. But, even called as a school that is not good in quality, Tutik entered it with great difficulty. To pay for any monthly fees she must pay it by becoming a teacher in private schools.
Fortunately Tutik ingenuity was not lost just because she could not attend school in IPB. When he finally graduated from the school, she passed the CPNS test to become a high school teacher in the village.
Tutik can be quite successful. If I have a friend like Tutik, I believe many people have friends, neighbors, brothers who have not enough money to study in university. I can not imagine how many intelligent people in this country who are not able to show their ingenuity to the world. They should become doctors, engineers, lawyers who are able to work with the most brilliant works, but they only become a laborer because they cannot get higher education.
I can not imagine what would happen if every intelligent person in this country was born from a poor family.
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