An allegation appears that David, the Indonesian students who studied in Singapore, committed suicide because his scholarship would be terminated. David is known as a smart student. No one thought that the brilliant students had to die because of despair.
David phenomenon reinforces the Goleman’s theory of Emotional Intelligence. According to Goleman, intellect which is shown by the high IQ is not enough. To enjoy the life well, someone must have what something called as Emotional Intelligence. After so long hailed, IQ is no longer seen as the only that determines the success of someone in his life. And, as I said earlier, suicide carried out by David reinforces the truth of the Goleman’s theory of Emotional Intelligence.
Why do smart people seemingly not survive in a hard situation? Why could people who can think deeply restrained in the narrow mind and do an action that endangers others and themselves? You can find the answer by reading Goleman’s book by yourself, Emotional Intelligence. But I want to discuss something that was also mentioned by Goleman in his book. Intelligent people can do something stupid, something that should not be done by people like them, because their lives are only oriented to the world. There is no room in their minds that the world is actually fields where they sow and the harvests will be got later in the Hereafter. When thinking about the Hereafter is absent in their framework of thinking, every failure of their natural life is considered as a threat on their lives entirely. That is why when they fail, they feel that their lives are no longer useful. Suicide becomes an option to solve the problem.
So, to compensate our tendency to the world, we must return to religion. I think, back to religion is the only way to maintain us on the fixed rail of life. Only by running the command of our religion, we can always realize that everything we do in our lives, basically determines the goodness of our lives after death. An eternal life.
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