Three Universities of us fit in 400 major universities of the world. The three universities are the Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), and the University of Indonesia (UI). While some other universties entry in the 500 major universities of the world. They are the Bogor Agriculture Institute (IPB), Airlangga University, and Diponegoro University. Brawijaya University (Unibraw) is in the world ranking of 502.
In order to become international class university, the Government has spent billions of rupiah.
But unfortunately, for the middle to lower classes, the universities in the country are still quite expensive. It’ll be very ironic if the universities have entered the international range but they can not be enjoyed by most of the people of Indonesia.
Once, UGM was known as campus for the poor but with high quality. Now, the label appears no longer attached to it. Many parents complain about the high cost of higher education in this country.
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